One day, while pumping milk in a literal woodshop with sawdust and tools scattered about, I looked around and it became clear: the health insurance wasn’t worth the trade for my self worth and confidence. So I quit! Without the structure of the system that I’d been in for my whole career, I had no idea what to do next. 

It wasn’t until my husband asked me a question that I hadn’t ever truly thought about, or at least not while I was climbing the ranks of the system, what do you really want your life to look like?  

I wanted flexibility.

I wanted to earn money.

I wanted to help people.

I wanted to build communities.

But there was a problem: I didn’t know where to start. So I just started with exactly what I was already doing in my spare time: Helping new moms not lose their minds.  

It turns out, when I could devote all my time to doing that, I realized that I was pretty good at it. Soon I added in events like moms nights out and a jewish organization that brought young families together for Friday night dinners. 

Though I was super busy and loving a lot of the work, there was still a problem: I didn’t know how to make actual money. 

One of my most successful entrepreneur mom friends told me that the secret to her success was coaching.  Even though I was skeptical, I jumped on board and hired my own coach. 

I didn’t know then that the years that followed would be some of the most devastating of my life.  I lost four very important people in the span of 18 months, and had to learn how to be resilient (while working and taking care of kids) in a way that I’d never fathomed.  It was then that I dove into my next career move with a vengeance.  

Helping figuring out their path

Helping women see their worth

Helping women get their mojo back 

Helping women believe that they could have the life they they’ve dreamed of 

(Even if they’ve walked back into a job that was already gone!)